Tuesday, 7 January 2014

That movie 'Drive'. It's a bit stabby.

Hello kids.
Although this blog is called The International Cheese-Fries Review, we haven't done an awful lot of reviews to date. So just for a change, I'm reviewing a movie today. This is the movie 'Drive' which was new about 2 years ago (look at us, always up to speed with what the kids like! ...it was on iPlayer, y'know.)

Prominent feminist Ryan Gosling is a stunt driver slash getaway driver slash monosyllabic hottie boy next door. When he takes on a getaway driving case that he is personally involved in (because he's taken a shine to his equally hot female neighbour and her recently returned husband), things turn bad, and from then on in, lots of people get stabbed. Ryan also does some of the stabbing and/or kicking someone's head in with relevant sound effects. Then he gets in his car and drives away.

I did not understand this movie. In my non-understanding (which is not to be mistaken for non-liking) of this movie, I noted the following things:
1. This movie definitely does not pass the Bechdel test, which, for a movie starring the prominent feminist Ryan Gosling in a starring role, is frankly an utter disgrace. (Bad.)
2. Carey Mulligan stars alongside the prominent feminist Ryan Gosling, which is rad because hey, she's like, a cross between me and my cousin, and that's about the hottest thing anyone can imagine. (Good!)
3. Not unlike Carey Mulligan, Sin Tucker and myself, the soundtrack to this movie is the sex.
Here is one of the tracks that is the most sex (also Good):

And on that note, I wish to end, and invite further opinion on this movie, and enlightenment that may clear up my non-understanding of this movie's intentions, which was possibly caused by the distraction that is touchscreen puzzle games, woe is me.


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