Sunday, 4 August 2013

Cheese Fries @ Camden Diner

London... home of a million obtuse, ignorant, posturing assholes that operate under the misguided belief that they live in the centre of God's own asshole and anything north of North London is a grotty wasteland populated by ignorant savages (oh, the irony...). Formerly fashionable Camden (spits)... yeah, never mind though. Believe me, the trawl through the endless stalls crammed with tedious quasi-alternative tat is well worth it. Some of the best goodies Team Cheese-Fries have chowed down on to-date.

This is the good stuff. The fries are crispy and cooked to a tea, and the cheese is actually a combination of two different cheeses - juicy swirls of red and gold for that authentic State-side feel. Good penetration of the cheese to the lower levels too (if there's not a hint of solidified grilled-cheese at the bottom of the bowl, you just feel fucking cheated). The menu is extensive and you can get a cherry coke, a shake or even a glass of bubbly with your meal. You can also get a pint of Red Stripe which is a nice plus.

The decor is full on token Americana and the only real downside is that the place is so popular you may have to wait a while to get the attention of staff when you inevitably want something more off the menu.

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